What To Do If You Get Pulled Over After Drinking

Posted on | Wednesday, November 10, 2010 | No Comments

When you get pulled over, even if you know you weren’t doing anything more than going a little bit over the speed limit, it can still be a frightening experience. But if you are prepared for such an event and know how to handle it, while the fear might still be present, you may be ready to pro-act to the situation rather than react to it. Here are a few tips on how to more calmly and coolly handle getting pulled over after drinking.

Don’t Overreact or Panic

One of the main things to bear in mind when you see those flashing lights in your rearview mirror or hear sirens behind you is not to overreact or panic. While the police behind you might give you are start, stomping the gas or weaving wildly can be the wrong thing to do, and it give the police the impression that you’ve been drinking. Keep your wits about you, and try not to give the police any reason to doubt your sincerity about pulling over -- and definitely don’t make them chase you!

Be Prepared

Being unprepared with the officer steps up to your car may only act to further inflame the situation. You’ll likely be asked for your driver’s license, car registration, and proof of insurance, so be ready to facilitate the officers request. Doing so in a timely and efficient manner may help to make you appear a more law abiding and responsible citizen ready to do what is needed to comply with the authorities and keep them from detaining your longer.

Take Notice

It’s important, even though your mind might be spinning, to be aware of what is taking place when you are pulled over. Listen to what the officer is telling you or asking you, what instructions he may be giving you, as well as other requests or pertinent information being conveyed that may be important to what you need to do to rectify the situation. The officer may be gauging your responses, and paying attention and answering clearly and concisely may get you on your way again as opposed to being detained further or arrested. Also, noting things like the officer’s name, badge number, and other pertinent information may be critical, especially if you are planning to dispute any charges or tickets you may be getting.


One of the most important things to remember when you’re being pulled over after drinking is to remain calm. Trying to listen closely, speak clearly and distinctly, follow instructions closely, and being respectful and polite to the officer may help you out of trouble, or if nothing else, hopefully avoid agitating the officer and making the situation worse.

Greg Tsioros is a defense attorney in Houston that represents clients charged with misdemeanor and felony offenses. To visit his website and learn more about his areas of practice, go to http://www.txcrimdefense.com.


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